Observation 360 School Improvement Network
The purpose of this course is to provide school administrators with the information and experience necessary to conduct meaningful educator evaluations using Observation 360®. Administrators will learn to use both the web and mobile versions of Observation 360 to conduct both formal and informal evaluations. In addition, administrators will learn to generate and interpret observation reports.
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1. Introduction
What is Observation 360? What advantage does it give you?
2. Getting Started
Log in to Observation 360 and start a new observation.
3. Informal Observations
Learn about all the indicators in an observation as you practice.
4. Methods of Evaluation
Explore more indicators and switch sections of the observation.
5. Observation 360 Web
Take some time to make comments and evaluate your observation before making it final.
6. Formal Observations
Learn about how observations are weighted as you conduct a formal observation.
7. Reports
Run reports to check the status or progress of your observations.
8. Review
Finish the course by reviewing what you have learned with a short quiz.
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