What Instructional Concerns Keep You Up at Night?

Respond to the question "What instructional concerns keep you up at night?" by checking the boxes or entering your own response in the Other box.

I need sleep, but there is just so much to do.
I see that your instructional concerns really do keep you up at night.
Yes, they do. I'm so tired. Please tell me that Edivate is going to help put my worries to rest.
I'm not going to lie. Any new system needs strong leadership to help show how it can be effective and that means work on your part. But as you begin to see your educators become more effective through using Edivate, you'll catch up on your sleep. Let me explain.

Introduction to the M4 Leadership Framework


Watch the video introducing you to the topics we will be covering in this course.


Farmers can't force crops to grow any more than you can force your educators to become more effective. Growth is organic. What you CAN do is ensure that the seed of professional learning is planted in a positive learning environment. An environment that provides the warmth of correct principles and nurtures the learning process with continual support.

The M4 Leadership Framework, when properly implemented, helps you set the right conditions for the professional growth of your educators, ensuring the students in your school and district have the most effective teachers possible.

Parts of the M4 Leadership Framework

So, this sounds interesting, but what does M4 have to do with our educators using Edivate?
M4 stands for Map, Model, Motivate, and Monitor. Each principle is a way for helping your educators use Edivate with purpose to truly support them in their daily work to teach our students. You will learn to do the following:
MAP initiatives, goals, and professional learning needs to content available in Edivate using school focus objectives.
MODEL how to learn and apply effective teaching practices for your educators by using Edivate yourself and sharing what you learn.
MOTIVATE your faculty to consistently and frequently use Edivate by integrating the system in to your school's practice and culture.
MONITOR the performance of your school in relation to professional learning goals through system reports and dashboards.
So if the goal here is to help my educators and regain my ability to sleep at night in the process, what does Edivate offer?
Edivate offers a set of tools for administrators to aid in implementing the system. Combined with the principles of the M4 Leadership Framework, it won't take long for you to build a strong culture of professional learning and see a positive impact in the classroom.
That's music to my ears!
Then let's get started!