
Sweet! It worked. Being able to provide credit for learning from video, completing courses, and attending trainings is making a big difference in our program.
Continue to look for ways to implement catalogs; you'll find that along with other Edivate tools, wise use of catalogs can benefit those you supervise.
Thumbs up for honey! And just say no to vinegar!
Indeed! Good luck in all of your "catalog-izing"!

Review What You've Learned

Which of the following is NOT a unit available for use in a catalog?

  1. Video content
  2. Focus Objectives
  3. Edivate courses
  4. Face-to-face trainings

The only courses available for use in a catalog are those that:

  1. Are created at your site
  2. Your site has purchased
  3. Have been suggested by Edivate professionals

In order for a Catalog to become available for registration to your educators, you must:

  1. Add at least five units
  2. Add it to My Portfolio
  3. Send it by email to your educators
  4. Make your catalog live

Which of the three catalog units would best fit the following administrator needs?

I would love my educators to go through a number of learning activities that go in depth on PLC's.
  1. Video Units
  2. Training Units
  3. Course Units

Which of the three catalog units would best fit the following administrator needs?

I want my teachers to view other teachers being successful in real live classrooms with real live students.
  1. Video Units
  2. Training Units
  3. Course Units

Which of the three catalog units would best fit the following administrator needs?

I want my teachers to attend a conference taught by Mr. Ribera, a local expert on reading comprehension.
  1. Video Units
  2. Training Units
  3. Course Units

Course Survey

We want your feedback! Please tell us about your experience with this course.

1. The learning experience was presented in an interesting way.


2. I learned something that will help me in my job or change how I approach my job.


3. What would improve the online learning experience?