Activity Completed

Assumptions vs. Practice

Students learn at the same rate.
Competition is more important than mastery.
Passing my class is more important than mastering the content.
Students can master some skills or concepts, fail to grasp others, and still get a passing grade.
Do you test all students at the same time?
Do you use letter grades (A-F), or percentage scores, or grade on a curve?
Do you use one composite grade to indicate that a student is ready to move on?
Do you allow extra credit or find ways for students to earn bonus points?

Respond to the following statements and questions. Click Start to begin.

1. Students learn at the same rate.
I agree
I disagree
2. Competition is more important than mastery.
I agree
I disagree
3. Passing the class is more important than mastering the content.
I agree
I disagree
4. Students can master some skills or concepts, fail to grasp others, and still get a passing grade.
I agree
I disagree
5. Do you test all students at the same time?
I do
I don't
6. Do you use letter grades (A-F), or percentage scores, or grade on a curve?
I do
I don't
7. Do you use one composite grade to indicate that the student is ready to move on?
I do
I don't
8. Do you allow extra credit or find ways for students to earn bonus points?
I do
I don't